We will continue our efforts, execute consistent ban waves and provide you with regular updates in the most transparent way that is possible.

One of the most important tasks of our investigation team is to ensure that no false positives are caught, and therefore all the data is reviewed several times by several people, before making the decision to enact a permanent ban. We are aware that the above banwave has not caught every single abuser out there, but this is something we will hone with time. This is just the first step towards a fairer ArcheAge and our work is far from done. Although results haven’t been shared prior to now, we have been monitoring activity since launch and have been working behind the scenes, and this is only the first result of many to come. We also understand that you desire to see a firm stance at cleaning up the rampant use of black market services and software within the game. We know there has been a lot of frustration at our perceived lack of action on exploits and RMT in ArcheAge. It is with pleasure that we can share with you today our first mass action: It is for this reason that we have a no-tolerance policy against cheating, hacking, botting or RMT (Real Money Trade), and a dedicated team to investigate and take action on these issues. That said, the only difference between packages is the number of credits you start with and a few customization options.At KakaoGames, one of our goals is to provide a fair battleground to all of our players. However, ArcheAge: Unchained is available for different prices. This change will hopefully prevent the prevalence of P2W situations, where paying players can spend inordinate amounts of money to get an advantage against other players. Unlike the original ArcheAge game, which had a subscription-based model of payment, ArcheAge: Unchained is available as a one-time purchase.

It is an action-packed role-playing game that can be enjoyed by everyone. Its brand-new monetization model seeks to make gameplay more egalitarian. If you were a fan of the original ArcheAge game but did not like the easily-exploitable, pay-to-win subscription model, then ArcheAge may be the choice for you. The game also offers a new payment model conceived from the feedback by the gaming community. Developed by XLGames and published Trion Worlds, ArcheAge: Unchained does not only come new content and features. ArcheAge: Unchained is both a return to the world of the classic MMORPG, ArcheAge, and a brand new way of playing the game.